Texture Dropper

// **** Texture Dropper Screen v1.11, by Mircea Kitsune & Sm0key ****

// -------- Settings: --------
// Modify these to adjust the properties of your screen. Unless a specific value is required, use TRUE or FALSE.

integer face = 0; //Primitive face to be used as screen.
integer text = 2; //0 means no text, 1 displays lock status, 2 displays lock status and image + creator names. Selecting 2 clears the image between script restarts.
integer notices = TRUE; //Echo information such as locking / unlocking of the screen and error messages in-world.

integer lockdefault = FALSE; //Set to TRUE if the screen is to be locked by default. Relevant in the case of script restarts and when using the "clear" command.
integer lockonpost = FALSE; //If TRUE the screen is locked once someone posts the first picture in it, useful for 'find and claim' screens.
    integer creatorlock = TRUE; //When lockonpost is also TRUE, this allows the creator of the displayed image to lock / unlock or clear the screen.

string screenname = "screen"; //The name which best describes what your object is, used for info and text display (eg: screen, painting, monitor).
string sound = ""; //A sound to be played each time a new image is posted. Leave this string empty to disable sounds.
    float soundvol = 1; //Volume of the sound specified above, can be anything between 0 and 1.

// -------- Script: --------
// Modify anything below if you are a scripter and want to change something else in the script.

string ScriptName;
string InvName;
string InvCreator;
string Toucher;

string Blank = "5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f"; //UUID of the blank texture.
integer CmdChan = 9945; //System channel for llDialog.

        ScriptName = llGetScriptName();
        if(text == 2) //Set texture to blank when names are used to avoid images with no names between script restarts.
            llSetTexture(Blank, face);
            llPlaySound(sound, soundvol);
        else if(text != 1 | text != 2)
            llSetText("", <0,0,0>, 0);
        if(lockdefault == TRUE)
            state locked;
            state unlocked;

state locked
        llListen(CmdChan, "", NULL_KEY, "" );
        if(notices == 1)
            llSay(0, "The " + screenname + " is now locked.");
        if(text == 2 & InvName != "")
            llSetText("[" + screenname + " locked] - " + InvName + " by " + InvCreator, <1,0.5,0.5>, 1);
        else if(text == 1 | text == 2 & InvName == "")
            llSetText("[" + screenname + " locked]", <1,0.5,0.5>, 1);
    touch_start(integer avatar)
        Toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
        if (Toucher == llGetOwner())
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0) , "You are the owner of this screen. What do you wish to do?", ["unlock", "clear"], CmdChan);
        else if(lockonpost == TRUE & creatorlock == TRUE & llKey2Name(Toucher) == InvCreator)
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0) , "You have been identified as the creator of the currently posted image. What do you wish to do?", ["unlock", "clear"], CmdChan);
            llSay(0, "The " + screenname + " is locked. The owner must first unlock it before you can display new pictures.");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(Toucher == llGetOwner() | lockonpost == TRUE & creatorlock == TRUE & llKey2Name(Toucher) == InvCreator)
            Toucher = ""; //Protection so if an owner was the last to touch the object not anyone is able to manually chat an owner-only command on the channel.
            if(llToLower(message) == "unlock")
                state unlocked;
            if(llToLower(message) == "clear")
                llSetTexture(Blank, face);
                llPlaySound(sound, soundvol);
                InvName = "";
                InvCreator = "";
                if(lockdefault == TRUE)
                    llSetText("[" + screenname + " locked]", <1,0.5,0.5>, 1);
                    state unlocked;
        Toucher = ""; //Further protection so if an owner ignores the dialog the screen does not remain vulnerable for anyone to chat an owner-only command to.

state unlocked
        llListen(CmdChan, "", NULL_KEY, "" );
        if(notices == 1)
            llSay(0, "The " + screenname + " is now unlocked.");
        if(text == 2 & InvName != "")
            llSetText("[" + screenname + " unlocked] - " + InvName + " by " + InvCreator, <0.5,1,0.5>, 1);
        else if(text == 1 | text == 2 & InvName == "")
            llSetText("[" + screenname + " unlocked]", <0.5,1,0.5>, 1);
    changed(integer mask)
            if(llGetInventoryNumber(0)) //Texture dropped
                InvName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0);
                key InvKey = llGetInventoryKey(InvName);
                InvCreator = llKey2Name(llGetInventoryCreator(InvName));
                llSetTexture(InvKey, face);
                llPlaySound(sound, soundvol);
                if(lockonpost == TRUE)
                    state locked;
                else if(text == 2)
                    llSetText("[" + screenname + " unlocked] - " + InvName + " by " + InvCreator, <0.5,1,0.5>, 1);
            else //Something else dropped
                integer Items = llGetInventoryNumber(-1);
                    string InvName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, --Items);
                    if (InvName != ScriptName & InvName != sound)
                        if(notices == 1)
                            llSay(0, "Error - Only textures may be dropped inside the " + screenname + ".");
    touch_start(integer avatar)
        Toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
        if (Toucher == llGetOwner())
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0) , "You are the owner of this screen. What do you wish to do?", ["lock", "clear"], CmdChan);
        else if(lockonpost == TRUE & creatorlock == TRUE & llKey2Name(Toucher) == InvCreator)
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0) , "You have been identified as the creator of the currently posted image. What do you wish to do?", ["lock", "clear"], CmdChan);
            llSay(0, "The " + screenname + " is unlocked. Control + drag textures onto it to display them.");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(Toucher == llGetOwner() | lockonpost == TRUE & creatorlock == TRUE & llKey2Name(Toucher) == InvCreator)
            Toucher = ""; //Protection so if an owner was the last to touch the object not anyone is able to manually chat an owner-only command on the channel.
            if(llToLower(message) == "lock")
                state locked;
            if(llToLower(message) == "clear")
                llSetTexture(Blank, face);
                llPlaySound(sound, soundvol);
                InvName = "";
                InvCreator = "";
                if(lockdefault == TRUE)
                    state locked;
                    llSetText("[" + screenname + " unlocked]", <0.5,1,0.5>, 1);
        Toucher = ""; //Further protection so if an owner ignores the dialog the screen does not remain vulnerable for anyone to chat an owner-only command to.