ted by Mike, S-NetworkX
; Set this to true if you want to log crashes to disk
; this can be useful when submitting bug reports.
save_crashes = false
; Directory to save crashes to if above is enabled
; (eg def
")>0 | llSubStringIndex(sentence,"what are you up to")>0 | llSubStringIndex(sentence,"what you up to")>0 | llSubStringIndex(sentence,"what are you doing")... ")>0 | llSubStringIndex(sentence,"What are you up to")>0 | llSubStringIndex(sentence,"What you up to")>0 | llSubStringIndex(sentence,"What are you doing")
- by Jopsy Pendragon - 4/8/2008
//// You are free to use this script as you please, so long as you inc... e later on. Add one or more CONTROLLER TEMPLATES to any
// prims in the linked object to control when particles turn ON and OFF.
// Customize the particle_parameter values below to create your unique
// particle effect and click
ined at: http://www.slguide.com/help
//Feel free to modify this script and post your improvement. Leave the credits intact but feel free to add your name at its bottom.
//Whats new:
//- N... screen display
//- Added an ownership-change code to handle cases where FreeView gets deeded to group post Video Init.
//- Renamed WebGuide to TV-Guide to
// -------- Settings: --------
// Modify these to adjust the properties of your screen. Unless a sp... RUE or FALSE.
integer face = 0; //Primitive face to be used as screen.
integer text = 2; //0 means no... ges in-world.
integer lockdefault = FALSE; //Set to TRUE if the screen is to be locked by default. Relevant in the case of script restarts and when using
(VPN) daemon that uses tunnelling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on ... General Public License.
Because the VPN appears to the IP level network code as a normal network device, there is no need to adapt any existing software. This allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Intern
(VPN) daemon that uses tunnelling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on ... General Public License.
Because the VPN appears to the IP level network code as a normal network device, there is no need to adapt any existing software. This allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Intern
ectly using python searx/webapp.py. Doesn't apply to searx running on Apache or Nginx. ... t_timeout | global timeout of the requests made to others engines in seconds. A bigger timeout will allow to wait for answers from slow engines, but in conseq... t page may take the time specified in the timeout to load)
r total_number)
// mask flags - set to TRUE (or 1) to enable
integer bounce = 0; // Make particles bounce on Z plane of object
... integer interpColor = 1; // Go from start to end color
integer interpSize = 1; // Go from start to end size
integer followSource = 1; //
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin... s";
//I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this but I'm trying to calculate the angle between
//North and the target so I can work out which ... f/hyp);
if(xDiff>0 && yDiff>0) {
return angle*RAD_TO_DEG;
if(xDiff>0 && yDiff<0) {
return 90-angle*R
// Copyright 2004, Trimming Hedges. Released to the public domain.
// This is a simple script that gives everything in a box to the person who clicked.
// By default, it will only give items to the owner of the box.
// I wrote this because of... undles that are given out. It's really a PAIN
// to move a lot of textures or other contents out of a
maxscore = 137; //change this value to the number of balls you have on the field
... "You needed " + (string) timecounter + " Seconds to complete the game!");
llSetText("... }
llSay(0, "You were not fast enough to get on the scoreboard");
... 66, "STOP");
llSay (0, "Game over due to timeout...");
embly code, PXE- or NBP-booted, sometimes renamed to .0 to work on older DHCP/TFTP servers |
|.e... cbios |Builds with kernel header similar to Linux so it can be started by many bootloaders ... |pcbios |Builds .lkrn and adds ISOLINUX to create CD-ROM image, can be started by many bootl
//These are vectors for the positions to
vector vPos2 = <81,23, 103>; //which you wish to teleport
vector vPos3 = <83, 49.00, 29>;
vector v... ps
string sPos2 = "Position Two"; //you to know where you are going!
string sPos3 = "Positio... se if section here with higher currentPos integer to add TP destinations.
//Don't forget to increa
enabled = true
;FreeSwitch server is going to contact us and ask us all
;sorts of things.
... nds auskommentieren:
'' [...]
<!-- File to play if you are alone in the conference -->
... conf-alone.wav"/> -->
<!-- File to play when you're alone (music on hold)-->
<... und" value="$${hold_music}"/> -->
<!-- File to play when you join the conference -->