u wird OpenSIM mit dem Startparameter "-hypergrid=true" gestartet. Ein kompletter Programmpfad würde dan... ssehen:
C:\OpenSim\OpenSim.exe -hypergrid=true
Man kann sich beispielsweise auf den Des
ommando gestartet:
opensim.exe -hypergrid=true
==== Ab Version 0.6.5 ====
:!: Bitte be... im.ini mit folgendem Eintrag:
hypergrid = true
In der opensim.ini Konfigurationsdatei w
by Mike, S-NetworkX
; Set this to true if you want to log crashes to disk
; this can... ns = ".mydomain.com;localhost"
; Set this to true if you are connecting your OpenSimulator regions ... ; Enables EventQueueGet Service.
EventQueue = true
; Set this to the DLL containig the client s... t off here if you'd like.
DrawPrimOnMapTile = true
; Use terrain texture for maptiles if true, u
screen. Unless a specific value is required, use TRUE or FALSE.
integer face = 0; //Primitive face to ... image between script restarts.
integer notices = TRUE; //Echo information such as locking / unlocking o... in-world.
integer lockdefault = FALSE; //Set to TRUE if the screen is to be locked by default. Relevan... "clear" command.
integer lockonpost = FALSE; //If TRUE the screen is locked once someone posts the first